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Sales Memes

A meme a day helps keep the sales stress away! We have one of the largest selections of sales memes online to help break up the daily pressures selling can bring. If you have created any sales related memes and would like us to feature it here on our site and on social channels, contact us.

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sales meme when the gatekeeper aks are they expecting your call
Yes just let him know it’s Ken. Everybody knows Ken!

sales meme when the sales manager is explaining the new commission structure
I might need some extra tutoring to understand this one!

sales meme when you hear a colleague talking to one of your prospects
My ears are burning!

sales meme when the sales trainer finishes a lesson on how to close the sale
The one language I must learn!

sales meme coffee the most important meal of the day
Yep, breakfast, lunch and dinner!

sales meme easy normal hard what people think sales is like before they start what people think sales is like after the first month
Before you talk about working in sales come and actually do the job!

sales meme when I'm sending and email making a phone call creating a video message
The more attempts the worse the nerves!

sales meme the environment in our office is great we all get on really well actual office environment
This is an actually picture from my last job!

sales meme when the prospect is looking over my proposal
Is it hot in here or just me!

sales meme marketing customer success sales lunch time in the office
Ah piece and quiet!